Fire Inspection Ordinance
TOWN OF RUSH RIVER St Croix County, Wisconsin CLICK LINK BELOW TO VIEW ORDINANCE (Requires Free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Fire Inspection Ordinance
TOWN OF RUSH RIVER St Croix County, Wisconsin CLICK LINK BELOW TO VIEW ORDINANCE (Requires Free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Fire Inspection Ordinance
TOWN OF RUSH RIVER St Croix County, Wisconsin Ordinance Designating 50th Ave as a Class B Highway CLICK LINK BELOW TO VIEW ORDINANCE (Requires Free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Ordinance 110823
TOWN OF RUSH RIVER St Croix County, Wisconsin Ordinance to establish minimum driveway and access road design standards and procedures to acquire a fire number #2021-1110 CLICK LINK BELOW TO VIEW ORDINANCE (Requires Free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Driveway, Field Access Road & Fire Number Ordinance
TOWN OF RUSH RIVER St Croix County, Wisconsin Ordinance to establish a building inspector position and design standards #2021-1110 CLICK LINK BELOW TO VIEW ORDINANCE (Requires Free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Building Inspector Ordinance
TOWN OF RUSH RIVER St Croix County, Wisconsin Ordinance to set standards for moving any building on the roads in the Town of Rush River #2021-1110 CLICK LINK BELOW TO VIEW ORDINANCE (Requires Free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Moving Building Ordinance
TOWN OF RUSH RIVER St Croix County, Wisconsin Ordinance to adopt the Wisconsin UDC & Commercial Building Codes. #2021-1110 CLICK LINK BELOW TO VIEW ORDINANCE (Requires Free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Adopting UDC & Commercial Building Ordinance
TOWN OF RUSH RIVER St Croix County, Wisconsin Ordinance to establish minimum standards for dwellings and mobile home parks, to establish building permit fees and to establish minimum driveway and access road design standards. #97-1-2008-2010-03-2016 CLICK LINK BELOW TO VIEW ORDINANCE (Requires Free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Sex Offender Ordinance
TOWN OF RUSH RIVER St Croix County, Wisconsin #97-1-2008-2010-03-2016 CLICK LINK BELOW TO VIEW ORDINANCE (Requires Free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Wetlands Ordinance
TOWN OF RUSH RIVER St Croix County, Wisconsin Ordinance to establish minimum standards for dwellings and mobile home parks, to establish building permit fees and to establish minimum driveway and access road design standards. #97-1-2008-2010-03-2016 CLICK LINK BELOW TO VIEW ORDINANCE (Requires Free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Transient Merchant License Ordinance