Meeting Agenda: February 10, 2021
2-10-2021 Agenda
The Caucus for the 2021 Spring Election will be held at 6pm on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 at the Town Hall. The Regular Board meeting for the Town of Rush River will be held on January 13th, 2021 immediately following the Caucus. Agenda is as follows: Approve Minutes…
The Regular Board meeting for the Town of Rush River will be held on December 9, 2020 at the Town Hall at 4:30pm Agenda is as follows: Approve Minutes from the previous meeting Approve Financial Statement Elaine LaFavor- Sex Offender Visitation Review & Act on CSM for Mary LaFavor Review & Act on Charging…
The Regular Board meeting for the Town of Rush River will be held on November 11, 2020 at the Town Hall at 4:30pm Agenda is as follows: Approve Minutes from the previous meeting Approve Financial Statement Chairman’s Comments Approve Bills Submitted by: Sandi Hazer Clerk
The Regular Board meeting for the Town of Rush River will be held on August 12, 2020 at the Town Hall at 4:30pm Agenda is as follows: Approve Minutes from the previous meeting Approve Financial Statement Review & Act on Variance in lot size for Kristyn & Steven Warnke Bob Sabion- Tearing down old house…